Angular 6 Creating Cookies using ngx-cookie-service


1. Firstly, npm install —save ngx-cookie-service —save
2. And then import CookieService in your module like import { CookieService } from ngx-cookie-service;
3. In the module providers, add CookieService
4. In your Component constructor, inject your CookieService as private cookie: CookieService
5. Set your cookie like this.cookie.set(“userid”, “12345”);
6. Get cookie, this.cookie.get(“userid”)


Hello friends in this quick video I am gonna gonna show you how to include and use cookies in angular application, it is fairly simple all you have to do is first install ngx-cookies-service.

In our angular folder which we are in the angular cookie right now so it is;

npm install --save ngx-cookie-service

Tutorial Source: Creating Cookies in Angular 6 using ngx-cookie-service

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